For teachers and school teams
Benefits of WMGLSI for teachers:
What do I have to do?
What is the commitment?
- Free sustained professional development
- Support and expertise
- Classroom materials
- Financial support for community-based projects
- Real-world, hands-on activities for your students
- Network of teachers
What do I have to do?
- If you are new to the West Michigan GLSI, get training: Register for our summer workshop "Inspiring Students through Stewardship" - August 2020 dates TBD
- Contact Erica Johnson, [email protected] for more information
What is the commitment?
- Attend a free 4 day summer workshop sponsored by WMGLSI (scech's or graduate credit available)
- Attend two Dinner & Dialogues held during the year to provide an opportunity to discuss topics of interest/concern with teachers who are also working through a place-based education project
- Plan and implement a place-based project with your students using our 2021-2022 application/planning guide (can be done over a one or two year period)
- Attend annual youth symposium with select students to share your work with other schools, students, community partners, community leaders, administrators, etc.
- Schedule Learning Community Sessions, with your field coordinator throughout the school year, that are designed specifically to meet the needs of the individual teacher and/or school and provide an opportunity to plan the community-based project
- Complete a year end report